Sports and Physical Education
At Konini Primary School we believe that physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others.
Through sport and other physical activities our children learn about their responsibilities both as individuals and members of groups and teams. They learn to cooperate and to compete fairly, understanding their own and others' roles.
Our aim is that through physical education, we teach and develop students physical literacy; an appreciation of skilled and creative performances; understanding of basic principles of ‘fair play’; and improve interpersonal skills. Konini Primary School achieves this through;
following a broad and balanced PE curriculum fulfilling the requirements of the Health and Physical Education Curriculum.
following the age appropriate Sportstart teaching approach to physical literacy
ensuring every child has access to swimming lessons at each year level.
developing the fitness of the individual, by ensuring a good pace in lessons and incorporating fitness activities into physical education lessons as appropriate.
integrating, where possible, into other curriculum areas. e.g, use of athletics data in maths & ICT.
developing programmes that meet the needs of all the children, providing equal opportunities.
modifying classroom programmes to provide for differentiated learning needs.
involving the community where possible - e.g. Junior Sportstart Day, School Cross Country, Yr 4-6 Athletics Day, Weet-Bix Tryathlon, inter-school events, Yr 5 & 6 Camp, outside coaching personnel and resources.
providing enjoyable experiences where positive attitudes of sensitivity, leadership, cooperation, competition and tolerance may develop.
In addition to the school curriculum our Yr 4-6 students compete weekly in a Syndicate Sports programme where teams are led by Yr 6 Captains competing to accrue competition and sportsmanship points. At the end of the year the team with the highest number of points wins the Grant Fowles Memorial Shield. Grant Fowles was a past teaching member of staff.