General information
School Hours
Arriving at School
Children can arrive at school from 8.15am. For safety reasons, we ask all parents and pupils to follow the footpath beside the drive to come into the school and not walk through the car park area.
We also request that parents park on the road outside the school, not the staff carpark, to minimize the risk to people of cars entering and leaving the school grounds.
Please ensure you do not park or stop on the yellow lines outside the school as this places others in danger.
Picking your child up from school
School finishes at 2.45. Parents are welcome to come into the school grounds from 2.30pm to meet their children. We request that whānau wait outside classrooms and bag areas so children can organise themselves. Leave via the driveway gate and coned area of the driveway.
If you need to collect your child earlier in the day e.g. because they are sick, or if you have an appointment, please come to the office and sign them out before going to the classroom to get them.
The Ministry of Education consider that regular attendance at school is 90% of the time. Konini Primary School is committed to ensuring that all of our students get the most out of their education, and wants to support our students to maintain regular attendance. Students who attend school regularly learn more and achieve better results. As parents, you have an important role in ensuring that your child attends school whenever it is open, unless there is a good reason for her absence. Acceptable reasons for absence include sickness or serious family circumstances, such as bereavement. Where there is a good reason for absence, please contact the school.
Please notify the school by 9.00am if your child will be absent from school that day. Absences messages can be left on the answerphone(Ph. 939-7725) or sent to the admin email address or by using the @School App. State your child’s name, room number and reason for absence. The school policy and school obligation is to phone parents whenever their child is absent. The Office Administrator will text and/or phone parents from 9.30am to determine their child’s whereabouts if we have not heard from you. Please ensure the office has up to date contact numbers so we can call you if necessary.
Home and School Communication
Communication between school and home is hugely important to a child's success in school. The better the engagement between parents, families, whānau, and schools, the greater the positive impact on student learning. We look for ways to communicate well with home to achieve this and engage parents in knowing about how and what their child is learning at school. We know that learning does not just happen at school and when there is collaboration between the student, parent and teacher, learning continues beyond the classroom at home.
Teachers use a combination of ways to communicate with home, including:
seesaw app
phone calls
Other opportunities to meet and communicate about how your child is progressing occur during the year when Learning Conversations take place. These are usually in Term 1 and Term 2 and are a 30 minute conversation between the student, parent/s and teacher. The student shares their Learning Map showing the places, people, tools and interactions that assists them in their learning. They also talk about what they can do to develop their learning as well as discussing the help they would like from others with this. The teacher provides updates about the progress your child is making and plans are made together on the next learning steps.
The Learning Conversation is highly valued by the students, teachers and parents and holding them twice yearly provides a rich opportunity to learn about how your child is progressing. We like to ensure every child has the opportunity for their parents, family and whānau to learn more about their progress and achievement.
During the year, other events occur where you can meet your child’s teacher informally, like at the beginning of year school picnic, school assemblies or at celebration evenings.
You are welcome to contact your child’s teacher if you would like to discuss a matter. This can be arranged by emailing them directly or ringing the office to request a time to meet.
Accidents and First Aid
From time to time children sustain injuries in the course of play. Minor injuries are treated in the medical room and the child usually returns to class when it is thought advisable. In the case of more serious injuries, or when the child is obviously unwell through sickness, parents are contacted and requested to collect their child. Serious injuries are recorded in the accident register.
Please keep the school informed if your child develops any allergies.
There are occasions when money is brought to school. It would be appreciated if all money be in an enclosed envelope with the following details:
Child’s name.
Child’s room number.
Amount enclosed.
What the money is for
Cheques should be made out to “Konini Primary School” unless directed otherwise.
Payments can be made via internet banking. The school account details are 12 - 3142 – 0366036 – 00.
Please indicate your child’s name in the reference details.